Janina Dill 

Dame Louise Richardson Chair in Global Security, University of Oxford 


Lecturer: The Moral and Legal Permissibility of Political Violence - Foundations (MPP), Michaelmas Term

Lecturer: Studying Preferences of Conflict-Affected Populations: The Why and How - Theories and Approaches (MSc), Michaelmas Term

Course Co-Convener & Lecturer: The Politics of Policymaking (MPP), Hilary Term 

Course Convener & Lecturer: War and Global Security (MPP), Trinity Term

Convener: Global Security Cluster, Year-round 


The Development of the International System since 1900 (MPhil in IR), Michaelmas Term 

U.S. Foreign Policy: Processes and Challenges (MPhil in IR), Hilary Term 

Research Workshop (DPhil in IR), Trinity Term 

Research Design Workshop (MPhil in IR), Trinity Term 
